Posted by askMe on 09/28/49 11:37
David Wahler wrote:
> askMe wrote:
> > Oli Filth wrote:
> > > Well, you didn't say that originally - and it still has no bearing on
> > > the problem, as all PHP is doing is generating some HTML. The problem is
> > > either with the HTML itself, or with the video file, or the way that
> > > your server is serving up the video file, none of which is related to PHP.
> > >
> > > You'd be far better asking this sort of question in alt.html or similar,
> > > preferably with a URL to the page in question, so people have some
> > > chance of figuring out what might be wrong.
> > >
> > I don't want to use the HTML. That is a temporary fix until I can find
> > or create the proper php object. I was hoping that someone could lead
> > me to the appropriate php object or some open source that would handle
> > this problem. I know that there are all sorts of home made php apps
> > out there that have the ability to either convert movies to other
> > formats, compress them using php, or create specialty objects that
> > mimmick flash objects even. I've seen a lot of them, but, the old
> > freebies are now trial applications that expire or require modifying
> > the server. Thank you anyway.
> The behavior of the user's browser and/or media player is solely
> determined by what gets output by your PHP code.
Yes. I realize that. That is why I wanted a bona fide and tested PHP
object that the open sourcers have tried, validated and distributed as
final -- so that I don't have to waste time on this sort of trivial
stuff. Also, that is why I prefer to just print the code and let the
browser decide how to handle the tags that get printed instead of <?php
variable output?>. I realize this goes against the norm. Most
programmers that I know prefer to php print only the variable's value
at run time and feel that offers better encapsulation.
> Any objects or
> whatever you create in PHP will have no bearing whatsoever on what the
> browser gets - only the end result (the outputted HTML) is important.
Yes. But, rather than output an <embed> tag, I'd prefer to out a
universal tag that is handled by IE, netscape, fox fire, opera... and
the list goes on. Ordinarily, if you can get it to work in IE, the
other browsers follow suit and handle background problems for you.
> If you can't get the video to play properly in a static HTML page, PHP
> is going to be of no use to you.
The video works. The mpg is embedded. It cuts off due to a timeout
limitation in PHP's default server settings.
> Personally, I'd say part of the
> problem could be that the <embed> HTML tag is mostly obsolete,
Obsolete tags are the best because everything developed afterwards has
to handle its functionality -- unless its functionality posed a
security risk. I don't know of any security risks related to the embed
tag. Do you?
> and you
> should try using <object>
I agree. That's how I ended up in this forum. All the examples of the
object tags I found did not work because I am developing in PHP. The
classid's were different from year to year and from browser to browser.
Guess its the nature of the beast. PHP has a flash library, but my
problem is not that deep currently.
> -- but none of this has anything at all to do
> with PHP.
Beg to differ there. Javascript doesn't have this problem. Java
doesn't have this problem. C++ doesn't have this problem. PHP does.
The PHP objects address dealing with server side conversions requiring
config mod installations and a gazillion other tweaks. I shouldn't
have to do so much research to play a video on a web page. If you
think I'm wrong, check out the prices of the applications that provide
solutions for dealing with this problem. They wouldn't be commanding
such prices if this problem were not unique to PHP. Attributing $value
to PHP code/modules/classes is a good thing for PHP and open source, so
please don't play it down as not being a PHP issue.
Thanks for your comment.
> -- David
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