Posted by sam.s.kong on 09/26/41 11:37
sam.s.kong@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been programming ASP for 5 years and am now learning PHP.
> In ASP, you can use GetRows function which returns 2 by 2 array of
> Recordset.
> Actually, it's a recommended way in ASP when you access DB as it
> disconnects the DB earlier.
> Also, it's handy as you can directly access any data in the array
> without looping.
> As far as I know, there's no such function in PHP and I can make one.
> My question is whether it's good in PHP.
> pseudo-code:
> $data = get_data("select * from table1");
> $var = $data[3][2]; //value at 4th row, 3rd column
> This way, I can wrap db connection, data retrieval, and error handling
> with one function (or maybe a class).
> Is the idea workable?
I found a code that suits my intention.
class mysql_array
public function __construct ( $s_host , $s_user , $s_pass ,
$s_db )
$this -> r_conn = mysql_connect ( $s_host , $s_user ,
$s_pass ) or die ( mysql_error ( ) ) ;
mysql_select_db ( $s_db ) ;
private function array_make ( $s_sql , $i_type )
$r_rs = mysql_query ( $s_sql , $this -> r_conn ) or die (
mysql_error ( ) ) ;
while ( $a_col = mysql_fetch_array ( $r_rs , $i_type ) )
$a_rs [ ] = $a_col ;
mysql_free_result ( $r_rs ) ;
return ( $a_rs ) ;
public function array_logic ( $s_sql )
$a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_NUM ) ;
return ( $a_rs ) ;
public function array_assoc ( $s_sql )
$a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_ASSOC ) ;
return ( $a_rs ) ;
public function array_both ( $s_sql )
$a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_BOTH ) ;
return ( $a_rs ) ;
$o_mysql = new mysql_array ( 'localhost' , 'user' , 'pass' , 'db' )
$s_sql = "SHOW TABLES" ;
$a_rs = $o_mysql -> array_assoc ( $s_sql ) ;
echo '<pre>' ;
print_r ( $a_rs ) ;
It's from http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php .
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