Posted by Jochem Maas on 01/15/05 11:05
Cere Davis wrote:
> Geeze,
> That was obnoxious.
you have to admit (well no you don't actually!) tho, it was damn
tempting to just answer yes :-) anyway...
> Luckily google helped me out eventually:
> if (basename($argv[0]) == basename(__FILE__)) {
....so that bit of code allows you to differentiate between CLI and
CGI/webmodule, I'm interested where you took it from there. care to
extrapolate? (e.g. did you setup some kind of generic magic that
converts cmdline args to, for instance GET/POST vars that you
app/components normally relies on?
o f f t o p i c: you're familiar with Ruby (cool name that)? what do you
use it for? just curious.
> Robert Cummings wrote:
>>On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 09:46, Cere Davis wrote:
>>>Does anyone know how to write php libraries in a modular way so that you
>>>can both test the libraries/functions on the command line with arguments
>>>and/or use the php library as a part of your web code with
>>>syntax? Sort of like how Python or Ruby works?
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