Posted by systemutvecklare on 01/20/06 15:08
I can't find out how to send an array of objects with the built in SOAP
in PHP5.
My code looks like this:
****BEGIN CODE****
$id = new GuidVO();
$ids = array($id);
$soap_param = new SoapParam($ids, 'AccountIds');
$soap_params[] = $soap_param;
$server->__soapCall($function, $soap_params, null, $header,
*****END CODE*****
Part of the soap message produced by the code:
<in0 SOAP-ENC:arrayType="SOAP-ENC:Struct[1]"
<item xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Struct">
*****END MESSAGE*****
The problem is that the arrayType is set to Struct. I want it to be set
to GuidVO. I tried to use SoapVar in order to set the arrayType but
apache crashes as a result of a php crash and I can't se the soap
message that would have been sent to the server
****BEGIN CODE****
$id = new GuidVO();
$ids = array($id);
$soapvar = new SoapVar($ids, SOAP_ENC_ARRAY, "GuidVO");
$soap_param = new SoapParam($soapvar, 'AccountIds');
$soap_params[] = $soap_param;
$server->__soapCall($function, $soap_params, null, $header,
*****END CODE*****
Thanks for any suggestions about sending an array of objects in Soap!
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