Posted by Richard Lynch on 05/12/05 05:44
{ } became special characters in PHP strings, at some point...
You may or may not be able to change a php.ini setting to change that...
I wouldn't have expected it to change from 4.3.10 to 4.3.11, but I don't
really KNOW when it changed. I suck at tracking version numbers and small
changes with them. Swiss cheese memory.
Or, you should be able to always use \{ inside "" and it should "work"
You could also change to '' instead of "" and {} would NOT be special
inside ''.
On Wed, May 11, 2005 1:05 am, Michael Baas said:
> Hi,
> I'm using imap_open and the script works fine on my server with 4.3.11.
> Now
> as user with 4.3.10 reported that the script does not work. He finally got
> it working by replacing my variable-names in the imap_open-command with
> strings containing exactly the same data (except for the leading slash
> before the { which I was using together with variables).
> The statement is
> @imap_open("\{$host}INBOX",$user,$pwd,OP_HALFOPEN);
> and host is "".
> I know that /notls can also be appended, but as I said: it works fine when
> entering these directly into the command, just when using the
> string-parameter it fails.
> The error is: "imap_open(): Couldn't open stream"
> I've spent quite some time now googling around, searching various forums
> etc., but could not find a solution to this. Would appreciate your help
> very
> much!
> Thanks
> Michael
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