Posted by Katana on 05/11/05 23:10
Hello Vicente,
> I belive formsess does what you want, but I don't recommend such thing
> as Javascript is highly problematic in it's iterations between
> different browsers
Hi, Formsess lead dev here :)
As far as I've seen in the projects i've used formsess with (most of
them actually), forms validation is present on almost ANY used
browser. Validation usually doesn't use advanced javascript, so you
can expect a very good coverage of JS validation.
I am of course in the same opinion than most people here, JS
validation is a must have for various reasons:
- since most validations are performed on client side, resource usage
is less intensive on the server
- errors won't force the user to submit and reload the page
- ergonomically speaking, I alst think it's easier for the user to
see a clean alert box along with an automatic focus on the wrong
Best regards,
Bertrand / Katana
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