Posted by E.T. Grey on 02/06/06 16:47
David Haynes wrote:
> E.T. Grey wrote:
>> I have a form that is populated with a drop down list and a list box.
>> I want to be able to automatically populate the list box, whenever a
>> user selects a new item from the drop down list.
>> Is there a way of doing this as soon as a new item is selected from
>> the drop down box? (I'm trying to mimic a rich client interface in a
>> web browser).
> google javascript cascade select
> -david-
My bad (further clarification required). Is this possible without using
javascript? - i.e. a PHP only solution?
I had to pick up PHP in the last week (I'm from a C/C++/Java background)
and do not really relish the thought of having to learn yet another
'language' for my project ;-)
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