Posted by NC on 02/06/06 19:02
E.T. Grey wrote:
> NC wrote:
> > E.T. Grey wrote:
> >
> > > At last count, there are about 65,000 distinct files (and increasing)
> > ...
> > > Each file has the equivalent of approx 1M rows (yes - thats 1 million)
> > ...
> > > If you multiply the number of rows (on avg) by the number of files -
> > > you can quickly see why using a db as a repository would be a
> > > poor design choice.
> >
> > Sorry, I can't. 65 million records is a manageable database.
> Its amazing how some people once having set their mind on one thing,
> wont change it - even when presented with the facts. Last time I
> checked, 65,000 x 1 million = 65 billion - not 65 million.
OK, I obviously made a stupid typo; I'll gladly correct it:
65 billion records is a manageable database
Even MySQL (which is often thought of as a departmental rather than
enterprise system, although with MySQL 5.0 available this may be
reconsidered) is capable of maintaining large databases. Since MySQL
3.23, you can store up to 65536 terabytes using the MyISAM storage
engine (which effectively means that the size of your table is limited
only by your operating system's file size limit) or mere 64 TB using
the InnoDB storage engine (but in this case, the file size limit does
not apply, because an InnoDB table can be spread over several files).
You stated earlier that a compressed set of one million records takes
10-15 kilobytes to store, so an uncompressed record would probably be
just a few bytes long. This is a load that a single server with a
properly configured RAID could handle...
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