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problem with my recursive function

Posted by P80 on 05/13/05 19:11

I'm trying to display messages on my forum recursively, each message can
have answers, the id of the parent post is in parentmessageid, the problem is
that it only displays post that don't have answers ie post that have
parentmessageid null
/* here is my table:
| id | title | parentmessageid |
| 1 | a | NULL |
| 2 | b | NULL |
| 3 | repa | 1 |
as an example I only get 1 and 2

function DisplayThread($realparentid="") {
$sql="select id,title,parentmessageid from message where parentmessageid";
if ( $realparentid !== "" ) {
//Root message do not have the ParentMessageID set
} else
$sql.=" IS NULL";

$sql.=" ORDER BY id ASC";
$Reply = false; //Did we find any messages
$Reply = true; //Found at least one message
$title =$row['1'];
$Result.="$title<br />$sql<br />$parentid<br />";

//Clear the statement handle

if ($Reply) {
//At least one message was processed
return $Result;
} else
return "";

echo DisplayThread();

thx in advance

ps:you can check it out there:



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