Posted by Messju Mohr on 05/14/05 13:25
On Sat, May 14, 2005 at 10:28:53AM +0200, lpenou wrote:
> Hello
> I'm looking for the best way to apply a modifier to a variable, but
> this variable have to be used in a string, for example
> {include file="navigator.tpl" title="This is the Navigator title
> for $item|capitalize"}
> capitalize has to be applied only on $item and not the full string
you have to use capture or assign. like
{capture name=title}This is the Navigator title for {$item|capitalize}
{include file="navigator.tpl" title=$smarty.capture.title}
{assign var=tmp_item value=$item|capitalize}
{include file="navigator.tpl" title="This is the Navigator title for $tmp_item"}
> did someone ave a simple solution ?
> regards
> Laurent
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