Posted by Matt on 05/15/05 16:51
On 15 May 2005 01:20:21 -0700, "R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah"
<ng4rrjanbiah@rediffmail.com> wrote:
>vcardillo@gmail.com wrote:
> Sounds like a tree data structure to me. Searching for array
>implementation of tree and traversing algorithms might help.
I agree that you are probably looking at a tree structure rather than
an array. Personally I would also use classes to encapsulate the
employees (each employee is effectively a node in the tree) i.e:
class cEmployee {
var $m_userId;
var $m_name;
var $m_title;
var $m_startDate;
var $m_subordinates = array();
function cEmployee($userId,$name,$title,$startDate)
$this->m_userId = $userId;
$this->m_name = $name;
$this->m_title = $title;
$this->m_startDate = $startDate;
function addSubordinate($item)
$this->m_subordinates[] = $item;
To traverse the tree you would need a function along these lines:
function traverse($h)
echo "<ul><li>";
echo $h->m_title;
while (list($key, $val) = each($h->m_subordinates))
echo "</li></ul>\n";
This is not perfect as even employees who have no subordinates are
still an unordered list themselves i.e:
<ul><li>CEO<ul><li>Manager<ul><li>Managers Secretary</li></ul>
Then there is also the task of populating the tree to begin with. I
will leave that to you. To get the printout above I used the following
$employeelist = new cEmployee('','','CEO','');
$employeelist->addSubordinate(new cEmployee('','','Manager',''));
cEmployee('','','Managers Secretary',''));
$employeelist->addSubordinate(new cEmployee('','','Manager',''));
Have fun. :-)
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