Posted by Lee Marsh on 05/15/05 09:43
Hi, I have a website that allows for users to upload and share pics. Part of
the upload script, of course, is to check whether or not the file being
uploaded is actually a valid picture (jpg, gif, or png) file. Everything
works fine in Firefox. But when I noticed users werent really uploading
anything, I decided to test things out again, and apparently it doesn't work
with IE for some reason. For some reason, IE doesn't think that valid jpg
files are jpegs. What gives? I'm doing this to see what the file type is:
$t = $HTTP_POST_FILES["picture"]["type"];
And here is where things go crazy:
if($t != 'image/jpeg' && $t != 'image/gif' && $t != 'image/png' ){
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['error'] = 23;
All I can figure is that IE is especially particular about its file headers
or something. I'm all ears to suggestions. TIA.
Goodbye, adios, bis bald, see ya later, wiedersehen, and everything in
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