Posted by charliefortune on 11/30/05 13:12
I would like to pull the two most popular items from a database then
pull two random ones, and produce one resultset to work with.
My two queries are ;
SELECT * FROM product INNER JOIN stock ON product.id_product =
stock.id_product WHERE price < $maxspend AND id_currency = 1 ORDER BY
product.viewed + product.weight DESC LIMIT 2 ;
SELECT * FROM product INNER JOIN stock ON product.id_product =
stock.id_product WHERE price < $maxspend AND id_currency = 1 ORDER BY
rand() LIMIT 2;
they each work individually, but i cannot UNIONise them because I think
ORDER BY works on a single result set. How can I avoid this ?
Or is it possible to run a query, then append another result resource
(before fetching the array) to the first in php ?
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