Posted by Johnny on 10/05/40 11:33
In article <%IVhf.4678$>, Steve Harris says...
>The books I've been looking at about PHP and MySql all tell you how to
>install them on your own local machine. But how do you install them on your
>web site? I would like to build a flash application which uses a MySQL
>database. I want users to be able to update the data base by logging on to
>my web site and using PHP to update the database. I envisage the sql file
>and flash program being on their local computer and the php script being on
>my web site. Is that possible and if so how?
Hi Steve,
PHP and MySQL need to be installed at the opertaing system level. They require
system resources to run and operate so it your hosting provider may or may not
offer that option to you. May need to contact them and see if they offer that.
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