Posted by plato on 12/08/05 22:48
"Hilarion" <hilarion@SPAM.op.SMIECI.pl> wrote in message
> > What am I doing wrong here:
> >
> > SELECT *
> > FROM `photos`
> > UPDATE photos SET codenumber = CONCAT( LEFT( codename, LENGTH(
> > codename ) -2 ) , CONCAT( '/', RIGHT( codename, 2 ) ) ) LIMIT 0 ,
> > 30
> >
> > and I get:
> >
> > #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
> > corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
> > 'UPDATE photos SET codenumber = CONCAT( LEFT( codename , LENG
> You can't use LIMIT clause in UPDATE statements. It's for limiting
> data you retrieve from DB with SELECT statements.
> Hilarion
For some reason phpmyadmin seems to be adding that onto the end of the
command, why I have no idea or how to stop it doing so.
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