Posted by Jonathan on 10/14/02 11:35
Kasper Lindvig wrote:
> Hi all
> I would like to change the default character set from english to
> danish. How do I go about doing that in mysql 5.0.16 on xp?
> I've read that one has to do default-character-set=danish in my.ini,
> but then the server won't start. I believe this to be caused by no
> file danish.xml exists. I've also read that beyond mysql 4.1 it is
> called:
> default-collation=latin1_danish_ci
> but this also didn't work. In addition to that I've read that if one
> compiles myqsl then one can supply:
> --with-charset=danish
> and/or
> --with-collation=danish
> but I happen to be just installing - not compiling as I am not in
> linux right now. So my question is what to do. I seem to have emptied
> all resources on google when searching, so I'm giving this my best
> shot in here.
> Sincerely Kasper
From the manual I guess it should be something like this (but I'm not
sure and have never had to change anything):
mysqld --default-character-set=latin1 --default-collation=latin1_danish_ci
Hav you tried that already? The danish charachter set does not exists,
it is just the default latin1 charachter set, however there are Danish
collation rules.
The current server character set and collation are available as the
values of the character_set_server and collation_server system
variables. These variables can be changed at runtime. You can make them
mysqladmin -variables
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