Posted by Simon on 01/02/06 15:31
see apachefriends.org
"S.Williams" <s.williams2005@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Hey guys,
> I was asked to learn SQL for my employer. The book I'm starting in said
> I would need; a web server(Apache), so that it can access the PHP
> In addition, I would need MySQL installed and PHP has to be able to
> recognize MySQL.
> So..
> I downloaded :
> apache_2.0.55-win32-x86-no_ssl (windows apache installer package)
> mysql-essential-5.0.18-win32 (mySQL installer package)
> php-5.1.1-installer (PHP installer package)
> I installed apache i followed the directions exactly as on the site and
> tested it by typing http://localhost/ in to my browser and a page came up
> that said it was installed.
> Then, I installed MySQL. Then it said to test that MySQL was working
> properly I would then open MySQL Command Line Client, simply enter the
> password, and if the client allows access with no errors, that MySQL would
> be working properly. .. There were no errors.
> Lastly I installed the PHP. The instructions said that after installing
> that we would need to configure a few options to make PHP work. It then
> to edit the httpd.conf file. So i added these lines after the last line of
> the config file:
> ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/server/php/"
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"
> Next it said to create a file in htdocs folder called phpinfo.php.Then to
> open the file and place the following code within it:
> <?PHP phpinfo(); ?>
> Next to save and close the file then open IE and type
> http://localhost/phpinfo.php in the bar. If i saw a certain page come up
> that it worked. It didn't work but I followed all the instructions exactly
> as stated. Any idea why?
> Please Help,
> Stephanie
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