Posted by James Williams on 05/15/05 01:59
On 5/14/05, James Williams <jamwil.php@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/14/05, Cima <ruel.cima@facinf.uho.edu.cu> wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i have my web site working something like this: in every php script i have require(auth.php). this auth.php has my connection to my postgresql server and database along with some other stuff i need for the user to be authenticated to my web site. when i log on, this auth.php connects to the dbserver and checks if my username and password are stored and then i go to a home page. my connection is stored in $dbh.
> > what happens when i start moving through all these web pages (php scripts), each requires auth.php, with respect to the connection? is a new connection established for every web page i go into that uses my $dbh for querying purposes or is it the same connection i originally made when i first logged into the web site?
> >
> > any info will be highly appreciated!!
> >
> > thanx.
> >
A new connection will be established to the database for every time
you run auth.php
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