Posted by Jim Michaels on 01/10/06 21:39
if you have MYSQL Administrator, it has a Backup function. Sqlyog is also a
good tool - has the ability to export SQL scripts.
backup your database table to disk, edit the file in case you don't want the
IDs and DROP TABLE statements, and use the MYSQL query browser or PHPMyAdmin
on the new server to execute the newly edited SQL code.
then go back to the first server and depending on your tastes, do one of the
following (in order of disaster):
DROP TABLE tablename;
DELETE FROM tablename;
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition;
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id=5;
of course, you could also DROP DATABASE databasename; but I am not sure you
want to zap everything.
"Dejan" <jdundovi_MAKNI_OVO_@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Hi
> I nead little help. First sorry for my terreble english.
> I have MySql table on one database server, and i wanna copy (append) her
> data into another table on other database server. And after that i wanna
> delete data from first server.
> Example;
> Server1 table1
> 1 Ana Johnson
> 2 Mark Spitz
> 3 Ivo Ivic
> Server2 table2
> 1 Anthony Sheric
> ...
> Now i nead to add uper data in table2 shown here, and after i nead to
> delete
> data from table1.
> Tnx very much just for reading this question.
> Dejan
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