Posted by steve on 10/13/32 11:26
i'm creating thumbnails from images on the server's hard drive. the code
works however i'm getting some anomolous results...which on a consistent
basis, i suppose, are "features". when i have a script that outputs multiple
thumbnails, some images are shown while others remain blank and are shown
with the classic red "X" image place holder and it's alt text. in the code
below, am i leaving any handles open or causing memory leaks that could
result in this behavior? any input is appreciated...tia.
$withOutput = false;
require_once 'inc/head.inc.php';
$ownerId = $_REQUEST['ownerId'];
$fileName = $_REQUEST['fileName'];
$maxSize = $_REQUEST['maxSize'];
$filePath = $siteUserUploadBaseDirectory . $ownerId . '/';
if ($fileName == '' || $ownerId == '')
$fileName = $_REQUEST['altImage'];
$filePath = $siteBaseDirectory . 'images/';
if (!isSupportedImage($fileName))
$fileName = isSupportedMedia($fileName) ? 'media.jpg' :
$filePath = $siteBaseDirectory . 'images/';
$fileData = @file_get_contents($filePath . $fileName);
$originalImage = @imagecreatefromstring($fileData);
@list($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $imageType, $imageAttributes) =
@getimagesize($filePath . $fileName);
$newImageHeight = $imageWidth < $maxSize ? $imageHeight : ($imageHeight /
$imageWidth) * $maxSize;
$newImageWidth = $imageWidth < $maxSize ? $imageWidth : $maxSize;
$thumbNail = @imagecreatetruecolor($newImageWidth, $newImageHeight);
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