Posted by Oli Filth on 10/13/32 11:26
steve said the following on 12/09/2005 14:32:
> i'm creating thumbnails from images on the server's hard drive. the code
> works however i'm getting some anomolous results...which on a consistent
> basis, i suppose, are "features". when i have a script that outputs multiple
> thumbnails, some images are shown while others remain blank and are shown
> with the classic red "X" image place holder and it's alt text. in the code
> below, am i leaving any handles open or causing memory leaks that could
> result in this behavior? any input is appreciated...tia.
> ===========
> <?
> $withOutput = false;
> require_once 'inc/head.inc.php';
> $ownerId = $_REQUEST['ownerId'];
> $fileName = $_REQUEST['fileName'];
> $maxSize = $_REQUEST['maxSize'];
> $filePath = $siteUserUploadBaseDirectory . $ownerId . '/';
> if ($fileName == '' || $ownerId == '')
> {
> $fileName = $_REQUEST['altImage'];
> $filePath = $siteBaseDirectory . 'images/';
> }
> if (!isSupportedImage($fileName))
> {
> $fileName = isSupportedMedia($fileName) ? 'media.jpg' :
> 'document.jpg';
> $filePath = $siteBaseDirectory . 'images/';
> }
> $fileData = @file_get_contents($filePath . $fileName);
> $originalImage = @imagecreatefromstring($fileData);
> @list($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $imageType, $imageAttributes) =
> @getimagesize($filePath . $fileName);
> $newImageHeight = $imageWidth < $maxSize ? $imageHeight : ($imageHeight /
> $imageWidth) * $maxSize;
> $newImageWidth = $imageWidth < $maxSize ? $imageWidth : $maxSize;
> $thumbNail = @imagecreatetruecolor($newImageWidth, $newImageHeight);
> @imagecopyresampled(
> $thumbNail,
> $originalImage,
> 0,
> 0,
> 0,
> 0,
> $newImageWidth,
> $newImageHeight,
> @imagesx($originalImage),
> @imagesy($originalImage)
> );
> @imagejpeg($thumbNail);
> @imagedestroy($thumbNail);
> @imagedestroy($originalImage);
> ?>
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