Posted by steve on 09/14/05 00:00
well...that WAS it.
i'm testing development on an xp pro/iis/php 5 configuration...and, if you
hack the iis metabase you can change the max connections from 10 to 40...at
least it will accept 40 as the highest valid value anyway. having doubts as
to whether iis was even looking at that value, i uninstalled iis-www and
installed xitami. i have the max connections left blank for now...and,
vioala! every thumbnail is shown in the browser without fail!
thanks a million for your help!
"Hilarion" <hilarion@SPAM.op.SMIECI.pl> wrote in message
|> > This may be not GD problem but connection problem. Your browser is
| > > requesting
| > > many (maybe all) images at the same time. Probably your server is
| > > the amount of connections so the browser gets the error instead of the
| > > image.
| > > Try increasing your server connection limits or configure your browser
| > > limit count of connections opened at one time (it should queue image
| > > requests).
| >
| > interesting! i didn't think of this as a factor but realize now that i
| > should. so, for each img src, the browser creates a new connection? i
| > thought the server kept track of the browser session and knew not to
| > that like a new connection...even though it is really requesting a new,
| > inclusive, resource.
| One connection can be used only to get one resource at a time. Most
| to speed up loading of pages opens some additional connections to the
| to get more than one resource (image, CSS file, JS file etc.) at a time.
| If the count of connections opened by the prowser exceeds the server
| (server returns error code stating that) then the browser should decrease
| but most browsers do not - they treat the error code like any other error
| code, which means that the browser shows the image as unavailable. It does
| not matter if the browser keeps the opened connections (reuses them) or
| not because the count of requests processed at the same time is the true
| limit.
| > i've changed the setting to no avail ... any other ideas?
| Browser settings or server settings? The first one should be changed first
| to check if it's really the cause. If you are sure that that's it, then
| check the server settings (there can be more than one parameter involved
| like total limit, limit on connections from same host etc.).
| Hilarion
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