Posted by steve on 09/27/05 21:11
first...odbc_* functions suck. second...why use access...it sucks. mysql and
msde are free. upgrading ain't hard.
odbc_fetch_array() has known issues (as well as most of the odbc_) ...
you've got to do the work in rtfm to find out the work arounds. for you, i'd
use com and create an adodb object an hit the db. it's much easier and fails
less often.
"chris" <frx@srgs.ze> wrote in message
| Hi,
| Suppose i need to know the number of records before showing them. With the
| first loop, i get the number of records, but I think the pointer in the
| recordset remains at the end of the recordset, because the second loop
| nothing.
| Is there a way to put the pointer to the beginning?
| The code:
| $numofrec=0;
| $connect = odbc_connect ('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
| (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\mytable.mdb', '', '');
| $query = odbc_exec($connect, "select * from mytable;");
| while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($query))
| { $numofrec++; }
| echo $numofrecl;
| while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($query))
| { $f1 = odbc_result($query, 1 );
| ....
| echo $f1
| ...
| }
| Thanks
| Chris
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