Posted by Willem-Jan Selen on 10/23/05 14:34
Anybody have any advice ?
Kind regards,
"Willem-Jan Selen" <wselenSPAM@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I am currently doing a website redesign. I only have 1 problem.
> The website has a large gallery inwhich the picures are uploaded and
> resized into a thumbnail, medium size and a larger size. All without a
> watermark.
> Now the problem is the medium sized picture. Due to the redesign the area
> where the picture is desplayed, the picture doesn't fit :(
> I use the following script to display the image :
> <?
> require("../../dbfuncs.php");
> $sql = "SELECT ID, imgname FROM modgalimg WHERE ID='$id'";
> $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
> $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
> $subID=144;
> if(!isset($nolog)) logEntry("modgalimg", $id, "imgname");
> if(strstr($row['imgname'], ".jpg")) $im =
> imagecreatefromjpeg("$datastore/".$row['imgname']);
> if(strstr($row['imgname'], ".png")) $im =
> imagecreatefrompng("$datastore/".$row['imgname']);
> $logo = imagecreatefrompng(dirname($SCRIPT_FILENAME)."/logo.png");
> $src_w = ImageSX($im);
> $src_h = ImageSY($im);
> $can_img = imagecreatetruecolor($src_w, $src_h);
> ImageColorTransparent($logo, imagecolorat($logo,0,0));
> imagecopy($can_img, $im, 0,0,0,0, $src_w, $src_h);
> imagecopymerge($can_img, $logo,
> $src_w-ImageSX($logo),$src_h-ImageSY($logo),0,0, ImageSX($logo),
> ImageSY($logo),100);
> ImageJPEG($can_img,'',100);
> imagedestroy($logo);
> imagedestroy($im);
> imagedestroy($can_img);
> ?>
> Now I need to resize the picture in this script without saving the actual
> size. The image which needs to be resized is image stored in the
> $datastore directory. ofcourse it needs to be resized in correct
> proportions.
> I have tried different options but I only get black images either with or
> without the watermark.
> So if anybody can be of any assistance, it will make me a very happy
> person ;-)
> Kind regards,
> Willem-Jan
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