Posted by Du on 10/31/05 02:18
you need to run addslashes before inserting your code into the database
(this will escape all the quote and control character in your code), and you
need run stripslashes after you retrieve the data from the database
"Skylinux" <spam@network-technologies.org> wrote in message
> I'm trying to use my database to store a lot of the redundant PHP and
> HTML code.
> Is there a special function I can use to insert the code into SQL, when
> I try it using the input of a <textarea> the insert fails.
> Here is a sample of what I would like to insert into a MySQL database.
> ######### code sample start
> <tbody>
> <tr>
> <td style="vertical-align: top;">
> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="0"
> cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
> <tbody>
> <tr>
> <td style="vertical-align: top;">
> <?PHP
> //Modified to include options and different templates
> $Sec_run = $_POST['Sec_run'];
> $inc_dir = '/path/to/inc/';
> include $inc_dir.'menu-projects.inc'; //Include Menu
> ###### code sample end
> And here is an example of how I'm currently adding the <textarea> text
> into the database. It can insert plain text but no code.
> ########## PHP code insert example
> $db="nameofdb";
> //make mysql connection
> $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost","$db_un_admin","$db_admin") or
> die("Could not connect to MySQL server");
> //select specified database
> $rs = @mysql_select_db("$db", $conn) or die("Could not select database");
> $sql = "insert into $Cat_name(Cat_ID , Title , Article , User_ID ,
> Visible) values(\"$Cat_ID\", \"$Title\", \"$Article\", \"$User_ID\",
> \"$Visible\") ";
> //echo("<br>SQL: " . $sql . "<br><br"); //Debug
> $result = mysql_query( $sql,$conn) or die("Could not insert into table
> $Cat_name"); //Run query;
> ###########3 PHP code end
> Any ideas on how to get this done are very appreciated.
> Skylinux
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