Posted by Peter van Schie on 12/05/05 23:01
Martin wrote:
> Thanks.
> I had already tried copying the php_mysql.dll to the Windows folder as
> suggested by EmC but it didn't help. I tried it again just now (to
> both \Windows and to \Windows\System32) but it made no difference.
> In any case, I have the PHP folder in the Windows Path environment
> variable.
> I removed the @ sign and it now displays this message:
> Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Path\PageName
When you start or restart IIS, do you see a popup box saying it cannot
locate php_mysql.dll, cause if it's not it seems like it's not even
trying to load it. Are you sure the right php.ini is being used?
Make sure there aren't any other php.ini's that might be loaded before
the php.ini you want to use.
You probably want to use php.ini from your PHP installation folder, so
make sure there isn't a php.ini in your windows folder for instance.
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