Posted by Alvaro G Vicario on 05/17/05 17:58
*** martinsgattoni@gmail.com wrote/escribió (16 May 2005 08:09:54 -0700):
> Is this because it is being called from a different domain?
Cookies are always attached to a domain and (optionally) a directory.
Several reasons for that:
* Browsers don't need to waste bandwidth sending *all* cookies stored in
the computer with every HTTP request.
* Sites don't overwrite other's cookies.
* Your private info stored in cookies is not sent to every site you visit.
If you need to create a cookie and read if from other sites, you can create
one different cookie per site (with the same value), but you must be aware
that some browsers block third-party cookies by default.
-- Álvaro G. Vicario - Burgos, Spain
-- http://bits.demogracia.com - Mi sitio sobre programación web
-- Don't e-mail me your questions, post them to the group
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