Posted by passat91@sympatico.ca on 12/10/05 15:14
Wow, I was cracking my head last time figuring out the problem.
This what happend, back in 2002 I was fooling around with php3 wiht all
those code from php and mysql books, well they did parse perfectly.
Now fast forward to 2005 WITHOUT TOUCHING PHP for 3 years, I got into
this problem. WHAT A FITFALL!!!, Yes because I dont program much for a
Kim André Akerø wrote:
> passat91@sympatico.ca wrote:
>>Could somebody tell me.
>>I installed php4 successfully, but when I do run some script like the
>>following: <?
>> if(!isset($name)&&!isset($password))
>> {
>> //Visitor needs to enter a name and password
>> <h1>Please Log In</h1>
>> This page is secret.
>> <form method = post action = "secret.php">
>> <table border = 1>
>> <tr>
>> <th> Username </th>
>> <td> <input type = text name = name> </td>
>> </tr>
>> <tr>
>> <th> Password </th>
>> <td> <input type = password name = password> </td>
>> </tr>
>> <tr>
>> <td colspan =2 align = center>
>> <input type = submit value = "Log In">
>> </td>
>> </tr>
>> </form>
>> }
>> else if($name=="user"&&$password=="pass")
>> {
>> // visitor's name and password combination are correct
>> echo "<h1>Here it is!</h1>";
>> echo "I bet you are glad you can see this secret page.";
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> // visitor's name and password combination are not correct
>> echo "<h1>Go Away!</h1>";
>> echo "You are not authorized to view this resource.";
>> }
>>It can only parse the html login but it doesn't authenticate the
>>username and password I entered. Im getting no ouput but only the
>>html login form. What the heck Im missing???
> Most likely, register_globals is set to "off" in the global php.ini
> settings.
> I'd suggest using $_REQUEST["name"] instead of $name, and
> $_REQUEST["password"] instead of $password in the above code example.
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