Posted by noodles on 12/17/05 13:55
"noodles" <noodlesUK*remove*@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi
> I'm a PHP newbie, wasn't sure what to call this topic but what I want to
> do is the following
> I have some TV software running on my PC that i can schedule recordings
> from by going to a URL like this in IE
> http://<PC-IP>/timers.htm?Timer=012135454321
> Where Timer is the code containing the channel & date time info etc.
> Now id like to be able to do this using a WAP phone. Ive done quite a bit
> with wml + PHP and im fine with that. But is there anyway I can use a PHP
> script to 'run' the URL above. So when the script is run via the WAP
> phone, it's just as if I typed it in IE and went to that address on the
> local machine? I say run, I guess the proper terminolgy is posting the
> variables to the script within the html file.
> Any help is much appreciated!
> Thanks
ignore post, managed to do it with fopen
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