Posted by Jason Barnett on 05/17/05 05:27
> So rather than starting YAPF[1] go and make an existing one better!
> [1] Yet Another PHP Framework
I don't want to go on a rant here, but... I agree 100% with the above
statement. So much code is out there that is free (however you want to
define that). However, there isn't much code that is both free *and* of
superior quality. I'm not just talking good; I'm talking about a
program that is so excellent you would be foolish not to make use of it.
PHP itself is one such example.
Let me put this argument a different way: is it better for the computing
world to have 3,000,000,000 different operating systems out there; or is
it better for the computing world to have only 5 different operating
systems, but they only need to be rebooted once a year?
And you don't have to be the person that started a great project in
order to be recognized for it. Yes, Rasmus started PHP eons ago and we
are all very thankful for it. But who now gets the most recognition for
their contributions to the PHP project? The names "Zeev" and "Andi"
come to mind. So do "Stig Bakken", "Alan Knowles", "Marcus Boerger",
and a whole host of others.
So yeah... go make an existing project better. It will benefit us all
in the long run, especially if you make your framework so good that *I*
actually decide to use it. :)
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