Posted by Pasquale on 01/18/06 22:23
cosmoKen wrote:
> Notices are just for information, and execution of your script is the
> same.
> To not display notices, change in your php.ini
> to : error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
> But it is better to stay with "error_reporting = E_ALL" only and have
> no notice errors.
> To solve this errors, in your case, define your variables before
> mention it (just read the error).
How's this?? Good or bad?? It works, no more notices.
$_POST['fname'] = isset($_POST['fname']) ? $_POST['fname'] : "";
$fname = isset($_POST['fname']) ? $_POST['fname'] : $_SESSION['fname'];
$fname = NameFilter($fname);
$_POST['lname'] = isset($_POST['lname']) ? $_POST['lname'] : "";
$lname = isset($_POST['lname'])?$_POST['lname']:$_SESSION['lname'];
$lname = NameFilter($lname);
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