Posted by Austin Myers on 01/24/06 00:36
Also tried it using "explode"
"Austin Myers" <No@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> <?php
> import_request_variables('g', 'New_'); //reads the info
> sent in the URL using "?key="
> $TempHold = $New_key; //Places it into
> a temporay string to work with
> $myString = sprintf( "%s", $TempHold ); //converts everything
> to a string so we can work with it
> print $myString;
> //print to see if it got there
> $Big_array explode("," , $MyString) //parses the long srting
> from web into an array so we can get each variable
> print $Big [0];
> Instead of printing the first item I get the following error:
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_PRINT in e:\wamp\www\buyexpress.php
> on line .................
> Can some one shed some light on what "T-Print" is, where it came from, and
> how the heck do I get rid of it???
> All help appreciated
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