Posted by J.O. Aho on 02/24/06 00:50
jarah.mo@gmail.com wrote: Re: create database from another ip?
mojar wrote: Re: create dbs from another ip???
Two threads with the same content? Feels like you are a bad multiposter, if
you want to ask the same question at more than one newsgroup (with good
netiquette, max 4-5), then crosspost (one post with multiple newsgroups: ).
> I have created a username giving GRANT ALL ON *.* TO privileges...
> I also did FLUSH PRIVILEGES, but this doesn't seem to change anything
> either...
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'username'@'remotehost' ...
You need to change the remotehost to the ip-name that the server where thinks
the webserver is called.
Eg, you have your mysql server on example.net and you have your webpage on
content.locator.metadata.windowsmedia.com (host gives the ip-number to
On example.net run 'host' and see what you get as result,
should be content.locator.metadata.windowsmedia.com.
Now in your GRANT statement you should use
content.locator.metadata.windowsmedia.com, as the remote address.
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'username'@'content.locator.metadata.windowsmedia.com' ...
In some cases it can be to have two GRANTs, one for the ip-name and one for
the ip-number.
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'username'@'content.locator.metadata.windowsmedia.com' ...
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'username'@'' ...
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