Posted by Chung Leong on 02/25/06 03:32
m.epper@gmail.com wrote:
> I've some restrictions: I can't change $code and I can't put eval
> outside functions or directly into the main script.
> So my question is: "Is there any way to evaluate some php code from a
> function, but into the global scope?"
No, it is not possible. The Zend engine isn't flexible like that. It
can only reach the global scope after popping all function scopes. You
can sort of mimick global scope with something like this:
function bobo_the_clown($code) {
// map in global variables
$global_vars = array_keys($GLOBALS);
foreach($global_vars as $var) {
if($var !== 'GLOBALS') {
$$var =& $GLOBALS[$var];
// map new local variables to global scope
$local_vars = array_keys(get_defined_vars());
$new_global_vars = array_diff($local_vars, $global_vars);
foreach($new_global_vars as $var) {
if($var !== 'global_vars') {
$GLOBALS[$var] =& $$var;
But in your case this won't work, as the variables declared in $code
could be used prior to them being mapped to the global variable-space.
One thing you can try is to look for global declarations within $code,
then mapped those to $GLOBALS before eval(). The syntax is fairly
regular so it should work.
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