Posted by Chuck Anderson on 02/28/06 21:12
Jim Carlock wrote:
>I can't find the link right at the moment, but somewhere I read
>something about magic_quotes settings in the PHP.INI file.
>The current settings on the XP machine...
>; Magic quotes
>; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
>magic_quotes_gpc = On
>; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
>magic_quotes_runtime = Off
>; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \').
>magic_quotes_sybase = Off
>;added php_mime_magic.dll to test mime_content_type() function
>I enabled the php_mime_magic.dll on the XP machine.
>The Apache server lists mod_mime_magic as a loaded module.
>On the aquaticcreationsnc.com server (run by some webhosting
>company) the settings read the same:
>magic_quotes_gpc = On
>magic_quotes_runtime = Off
>magic_quotes_sybase = Off
>Apache Loaded Modules (displayed through phpinfo();)...
>And there is one a Directive listed in both configurations as:
><Directive name="safe_mode_allowed_env_vars" content="Local Value=PHP_" />
>Anyways, Google is appearantly vulnerable to the XSS
>(cross site scripting) attacks as well. In fact, I noticed some
>strange things happening with Google and their cached pages.
>There seems to be quite a bit of information available here...
>I'm lost. Hopefully someone knows what's going on and can help
I'm quite lost, too. Just trying to make sense of this for use in future
implementations. I try to add security related issues that I read about
here (and *understand*) to my Php scripting habits. I use forms with
action=PHP_SELF quite often.
If it makes any difference, magic quotes gpc is enabled on both my local
machine and at my remote host.
Chuck Anderson • Boulder, CO
Integrity is obvious.
The lack of it is common.
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