Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/01/06 00:35
Cruella DeVille wrote:
> I'm writing a class to handle reading/writing from/to files like this
> (shortened)
> lass FileIO{
> private $filename;
> private $mode;
> private $filePointer;
> private $dictionary;
> public function __construct($filename = null, $mode = 'r+'){
> $this->filename = $filename;
> $this->mode = $mode;
> $this->filePointer = $this->openFile();
> $this->dictionary = array();
> }
> public function openFile(){
> return fopen($this->filename, $this->mode);
> }
> public function writeURL($name, $url){
> $content = $name . " $ " . $url. "\n";
> $this->fwrite($this->filePointer, $content);
> }
> when I try to call my writeURL(string, string) method the parser
> returns an error of "call to undefined function)
> my call:
> include_once('FileIO.php');
> $myFileIO = new FileIO('siv.txt');
> $myFileIO.writeURL("siv", "nibbler.no");
> this is copy/paste, so there's no typing error in the methodcall
> (writeURL())
> What am I doing wrong?
Which line is giving you the undefined function?
Also, when you open the file you need to open it as "w" to truncate and
write to it, or "a" to append to it ("w+" or "a+" to read and write).
"r+" only opens it for reading.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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