Posted by malcolm on 03/01/06 00:00
indeed <cough> !
I spent hours trying to make a 'WHERE'
good grief !
thank you
On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:01:23 -0500, Steve <google.spam@nastysoft.com>
>> On my rented space I have only one database. I have a few users at
>> my
>> site
>> and any mysql tables I made for them have their initials as a prefix
>> i.e.
>> aa_phonelist, aa_addresses, aa_otherjunk
>> bb_phonelist, bb_addresses, bb_otherjunk
>> I want to make a drop down selection for the tables so that each can
>> see
>> his/her tables
>> but ONLY theirs. What I really want is a query like 'Show tables where
>> prefix like aa_'
>> and send the results to the drop down. Obviously that won't work
> <cough!>
> ---
> Steve
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