Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/01/06 16:07
Mitul wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I am getting stuck at a point in my project.
> I would like to give functionality of print data from site. but there
> is a problem is that if there are lots of data which takes multiple
> pages to print then I need to show header that indicates coloum name at
> top of each page so can any one help me how to do that.
> the main problem is there are muliple line for each row so I could not
> make condition depends on some fixed rows concept. So Please keep this
> in mind.
> Let me give u visual for my problem.
> First Page will prints as follow:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> No. Name Address Date
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> 2. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> abc abc abc
> abc abc abc
> 3. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> 4. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Page end
> Second Page needs to print as follow:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> No. Name Address Date
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> 43. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> 44. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> abc abc abc
> abc abc abc
> 45. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> 46. XYZ abc abc abc 02/25/2006
> abc abc abc
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Page end
> Something Like this.....
> Please advise me what to do...
> Any Suggesstion is welcome.
> With Regards,
> Mitul Patel
> mitul [at] siliconinfo [dot] com
Basically not possible because you can't control the user's system. You
have no idea what their printer properties are, their page size, any
font overrides in effect - and a whole bunch of other things.
If you need to control how something is printed more than just what the
browser's print button gives you, I suggest you create a PDF and let the
user download and print that.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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