Posted by news.cable.ntlworld.com on 09/28/12 11:16
Easy peasy lemon squeasy
1. Make sure the php4ts.dll that came with your php download is copied
to your system32 directory under windows/winnt.
2. Put your php.ini in the windows directory.
iz0nlee wrote:
> your right, and although i left it out here it is in in the http.conf file,
> exactly as below
> L:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
> i have also configured the path to php.ini as below
> PHPIniDir "L:/php"
> what i HADNT done, and found out later, was copy php4ts.dll into the
> ./apache2/bin folder. i just did that and now its working
> thanks again
> "Oli Filth" <catch@olifilth.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:dzrie.6442$V%.2851@newsfe1-gui.ntli.net...
>>iz0nlee wrote:
>>>i have installed apache, php and mysql on a removable harrd drive 'L'.
>>>apache runs ok till i insert load_module php4module
>>Should there not be a ".dll" at the end of this line??
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