Posted by Andrew @ Rockface on 09/28/38 11:16
Ralph Zajac wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you for all your help.
> PS: you wrote
>> On an unrelated point, <blockquote> is *not* designed to indent data
>> in lists. It'd be worth your time to learn how to use HTML (and CSS)
>> properly.
> What would you suggest to make indents in some blocks like <p>, lists
> and so on.
> <blockquote> is really easy to apply that without playing with a lot
> of css and so on..
I know you said "without playing with a lot of css", but css is the way to
go and there's not a lot to it.
<p style="margin-left: 2em;">
or even better:
<p class="indent">
then in your css file:
p.indent {
margin-left: 2em;
Andrew @ Rockface
"Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole"
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