Posted by <a> on 03/06/06 07:03
"J.O. Aho" <user@example.net> wrote in message
>a wrote:
>> I've been storing some html data in a mysql database and creating
>> webpages based on that code using a simple "echo $html" type command. I
>> have some php code sprinked in and noticed that php doesn't execute this
>> code, it just prints it. After reading some more about it, i found out
>> you have to use eval() to execute a string of php code. My problem is
>> that there is html/php code. is there a way to "execute" the html code
>> along /w the php code, or somehow seperate it, so only php code gets the
>> eval() function?
> Yes you can, there is two ways
> --- code 1 ---
> <?PHP
> $code="echo \"test\n\"; ?> <h1>hello</h1> <?PHP echo \"test2\n\"; ";
> eval($code);
> ?>
> --- eof ---
> --- code 2---
> <?PHP
> $code="echo \"test\n\"; echo \"<h1>hello</h1>\"; echo \"test2\n\"; ";
> eval($code);
> ?>
> --- eof ---
Cool this seems to be working. I added a few lines to decide if the stored
code starts w/ php or html. I add a '?>' to the beginning of html code to
turn off the php and the same at the end. Seems to be working with html
only code!
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