Posted by Aaron on 03/07/06 20:46
"Alan J. Flavell" <flavell@physics.gla.ac.uk> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Dylan Parry wrote:
> [IE]
>> doesn't appear to support ⁎ or ⁎ either, so I would
>> guess that you are pretty much out of luck.
> I don't see any reason why IE would need to "support" it - it's just
> another character in a font, in Plane-0, with no special properties -
> if it's available in an appropriate font, it should just plain work,
> when that font is used.
> The catch is that it's not in WGL4.0, so the bog-standard fonts that
> come with Windoze are less likely to contain it.
> Hmmm, http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~flavell/unicode/unidata20.html#x204E
> The fact that Mozilla is showing it for me, seems to prove that I've
> got it *somewhere* in the Windows fonts on this XP system, but I would
> need to hunt around to find which one it might be, and then
> reconfigure IE to use the right one. Hmmm, Opera is showing it too.
> This is where it *really* would be useful to know what font was being
> *used* for the rendering (not merely which font is specified by the
> preferences and CSS - that's easy!).
> Hmmm, looks to me as if Moz. and Opera found it, in this particular
> setup, in the font Aboriginal Sans. Yup, if I reconfigure MSIE to use
> Aboriginal Sans as its default "Latin" font, this character appears,
> and it (and its neighbours) look just like the ones which Mozilla and
> Opera had found.
> Surely it's easier (and safer all round) to install and use a
> WWW-compatible browser, than to struggle along with that elderly
> operating-system component that thinks it's a web browser? But of
> course there's also one's sad readers to think about. Pathetic,
> really.
My IE6 displays mostly small rectangle boxes for that Unicode range 20 link.
Is there some way to register or *Initialize* a browser on load?
Or Declare a character set? or
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> ?
You can tell I'm an amateur at this, but this sounds logical.
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