Posted by frizzle on 03/08/06 12:35
Toby Inkster wrote:
> frizzle wrote:
> > it seems that when i haven't accessed the page in at least 5 minutes,
> > access it again the database is a lot slower the first load.
> Is it a shared server with limited memory?
> If so, it may be that when your data hasn't been accessed in a while it is
> swapped out of main memory onto disk to make way for other people's data;
> then when requested again, it needs to be loaded back into memory.
> It's probably something along those lines.
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
Thanks all, i understand there isn't really anything i can do about it
.... :(
Except for switching DB-system (not really an option now) or optimize
the PHP codes, which i already made as good as i'm capable of at the
moment ...
About the caching of data: if i first 'wake the server up' by accessing
the news
section of the site, and then go to links (both from DB) links is still
a lot faster,
as when visited immediately, though it's not in cache ...
(First load really takes up to 10 secs, second up to 0.8 (still quite
slow), can't be
normal ... )
The site is on a shared host.
Anyway, thanks again!
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