Posted by Juan Jos Gutirrez de Quevedo Prez on 03/09/06 10:20
El 8 Mar 2006 22:44:54 -0800
VHfc escribió:
> Then I'm stuck, since I need the content of $txt back in my JS, either
> in a global JS variable or as the value in a <textarea>, whatever.
> I tried the cookie mechanism, writing $txt as an escaped string in a
> cookie in the PHP snipplet, then reading that cookie back in JS and
> unescape it. That worked fine, but...
well, and why don't you just output inside a textarea?, something like
echo "<textarea>$txt</textarea>";
if you don't want to see it you can just hide it using css
you can also use a hidden field for this:
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"txt_var\" value=\"$txt\"/>";
but i suppose a textarea is more aproppiate for what you want.
that's supposing I understand your problem, because I'm not too sure I
understood it
Juan José Gutiérrez de Quevedo
Director Técnico (juanjo@iteisa.com)
ITEISA (http://www.iteisa.com)
942544036 - 637447953
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