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Re: php best practise

Posted by Scott on 03/10/06 22:36

Here's one way you can do that - have a function similar to this:

function selectValue($name,$value) {
if(isset($_POST[$name]) && $_POST[$name] == $value) {
return ' selected="selected"';
} else {
return '';

Then, in your option list, do this:

<select name="myOption">
<option<?=selectValue('myOption','Option A');?>>Option A</option>
<option<?=selectValue('myOption','Option B');?>>Option B</option>


Barry Morris wrote:
> Hi
> I am a php newbie although I have been a programmer for years, this can be
> dangerous because all the languages I know use = as equal comparison so it
> took me a long time to debug if ($STRING = 'fred') { not realising I was
> assigning fred to $STRING and the evaluation is always true! It took ages to
> discover if ($STRING = = 'fred') {.
> I eventually managed to create a validated form which re-displays with an
> error list, but I have a few questions about 'best practise' programming
> because my solutions seem a little clumsy:
> Combobox selection: How do you set a default or remember what the user
> selected so the form is re-displayed with their selection. I did this: Item1
> = '< -- Select a Country --> as "selected", I then changed the text to the
> actual selection using echo if the form is re-displayed, Question: How do
> you dynamically set a default or dynamically move the SELECTED tag?
> <option selected><?echo $COUNTRY?></option>
> <option>Afghanistan</option>
> <option>Albania</option>
> <option>Algeria</option>
> Radio Buttons: I assigned each with a <? echoDEFAULT1 ?>, <? echo DEFAULT2
> ?> etc and set each to "" except for the default I really want, this is set
> to "checked", surely I am not doing this the right way?
> <input type="radio" value="MSWORD" <?echo $CKWORD?> name="RB1"
> tabindex="14">Microsoft Word<br>
> <input type="radio" value="TXT" <?echo $CKTXT?> name="RB1"
> tabindex="15">Text File<br>
> <input type="radio" value="PDF" <?echo $CKPDF?> name="RB1"
> tabindex="16">Portable Document Format (PDF)</td>
> Barry



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