Posted by Steff on 03/10/06 20:31
Hello everyone,
I am trying to display in an array the result of a query. Unfortunately I
cannot concatenate 2 fields
in 1, it makes an error :
Warning: ociexecute() [function.ociexecute]: ORA-00911: Caractre non valide
c:\pageWeb\tasks_to_do.php on line 103
Fulfiller Request Type Task Name Start Date End Date Expected Delivery date
Warning: ocifetchinto() [function.ocifetchinto]: ORA-24374: dfinition non
aprs extraction ou excution et extraction in c:\pageWeb\tasks_to_do.php on
line 117
if I use query without the concatenate operator it works... but I need to
those fields though...
Can anyone help me out?
here is my code:
// connexion
$conn = ocilogon("stephane","Stef1975",$bdtest05);
// prparation du Select
$query="select a.fulfiller_firstname|| ' '||a.fulfiller_lastname
,e.client_firstname||' '||e.client_lastname
from fulfillers a
,request_types b
,tasks c
,requests d
,clients e
where c.task_fulfiller_id = a.fulfiller_id
and c.task_request_id = d.request_id
and d.request_request_type_id = b.request_type_id
and d.request_client_id = e.client_id;";
$ordre = OCIParse ($conn, $query);
OCIExecute ($ordre);
$ncols = OCINumCols($ordre);
// affiche les lignes tant qu'il y en a
// et les colonnes une par une
print "<TABLE BORDER=1> ";
print "<TR>";
print "<TD>Fulfiller</TD>";
print "<TD>Request Type</TD>";
print "<TD>Task Name</TD>";
print "<TD>Start Date</TD>";
print "<TD>End Date </TD>";
print "<TD>Expected Delivery date</TD>";
print "<TD>Client</TD>";
while (OCIFetchInto ($ordre, $ligne, OCI_NUM)) {
print "<TR> ";
for ( $i=0;$i < $ncols; $i++) {
print "<TD> $ligne[$i] </TD>" ;
print "</TR> ";
}// libere les ressources
OCIFreeCursor ($ordre);
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