Posted by fiziwig on 03/13/06 08:48
I'm building a web site for myself and some friends using php and
MySQL. All I have coded so far are the index.php, the membership
registration screen, and the log-in screen. Myself and one other person
are the only two registered members because we are the only people in
the world who even know the site exists yet. I'm an experienced C++
coder, but a php beginner, and my friend is a SQL expert but has no
knowledge of php.
But only two days after putting up the registration page I noticed the
welcome screen said we had 3 members, instead of the 2 people who are
working on the page. When I looked at the users table in MySQL the user
name was this huge long string that read like a typical spam email, so
obviously a bot saw a form on my page and tried to fill it with spam.
What is the usual procedure for validating members to prevent bots from
"registering"? Membership number (auto-indexed) is kind of a status
thing, so we don't want the primo low numbers to get chewed up by bots
before the site even goes live for the rest of the membership. How can
I keep them out?
--gary shannon
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