Posted by noone on 03/13/06 22:00
NC wrote:
> comp.lang.php wrote:
>> jonathan.beckett wrote:
>> > Don't do it. You'll kill the webserver. It's also just an incredibly
>> > bad way of doing it.
>> Why? Wouldn't hitting the database hundreds of times be even worse?
> Not in your case; your MySQL client may end up running out of memory
> due to the large size of the result set...
> Cheers,
> NC
why would anyone need to display resultsetst that large - they are
generally worthless to look at and even less useful to find the
information you really need to see...
If the resultsets are too large you will:
Kill the server - returning all of those records
Kill the network - saturate it with unnecessary data.
Kill the DSL/Cable connection
Kill the PC - trying to download the information
Kill the Browser... Can you say - need more memory?
Depending on the number of requests for this process, 1 and 2 will most
likely bite you.
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