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Re: Building a news management system (full story)

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/14/06 13:51

frizzle wrote:
> Hi groupies
> I'm building a news site, to wich a user can add new items into a mySQL
> db.
> It's still in testfase, but it's so extremely slow, i want to figure
> out what i'm doing wrong, or what to change before it goes live ...
> I know it's quite a long story, but i would be so happy if anyone could
> help me out here ...
> I've read on optimizing DB structure etc, but still cannot speed things
> up ...
> (Hope Google doesn't mess up the lines too much ... )
> There are 4 relevant tables (yet) in the site:
> 1. ne_topics
> 2. ne_fulltopic
> 3. ne_comments
> 4. gl_users
> ****************************************************************************
> Table 1: ne_topics
> id (int 11)
> author_id (int 11) // user's id of whom created it.
> creation (datetime) // datetime when item was created
> publication (datetime) // datetime when item is (to be) published
> title (varchar 35) // title of the item
> url (varchar 35) // url of the item, anything a-z, 0-9, -
> and _
> body (text) // body text of item, including some
> BBcodes
> visible (tinyint 1) // is item visible or not ( 1 or 0 )
> sticky (tinyint 1) // sticky or not ( 1 or 0 )
> ++ Currently 99.977 testrows, puplication dates random between 1-1-2000
> and 31-12-2009, 60,1 MB of data,
> id is PRIMARY
> publication, url are UNIQUE
> visible has INDEX
> ****************************************************************************
> Table 2: ne_fulltopic
> id (int 11) // matches, foreign keys not
> available
> fullbody (text) // contains an extended version of news
> ++ Currently 1 testrow, 2.904 Bytes of data,
> id is PRIMARY
> ****************************************************************************
> Table 3: ne_comments
> id (int 11)
> topic_id (int 11) // to wich item does this comment belong
> author_id (int 11) // user's id of whom created it.
> comment (text) // comment of the user, including some
> BBcodes
> ++ Currently 1 testrow, 4.124 Bytesof data,
> id is PRIMARY
> topic_id has INDEX
> ****************************************************************************
> Table 4: gl_users
> id (int 11)
> username (varchar 35)
> email (varchar 125)
> ++ Currently 1 testrow, 6.268 Bytes of data,
> id is PRIMARY
> username, email are UNIQUE
> ****************************************************************************
> The queries are as follows:
> no joins at all: 0.59 secs
> $get_news = mysql_query(" SELECT n.`id`, n.`published`, n.`title`,
> n.`url`, n.`body`, n.`commentable`
> FROM `ne_topics` n
> WHERE n.`visible` = 1
> AND n.`published` <= NOW()
> ORDER BY n.`sticky` DESC, n.`published` DESC
> LIMIT 12")or die(mysql_error());
> JOIN only username: 0.65 secs
> $get_news = mysql_query(" SELECT n.`id`, n.`published`, n.`title`,
> n.`url`, n.`body`, n.`commentable`,
> u.`screenname`, u.`email`
> FROM `ne_topics` n, `gl_users` u
> WHERE n.`visible` = 1
> AND n.`published` <= NOW()
> ORDER BY n.`sticky` DESC, n.`published` DESC
> LIMIT 12")or die(mysql_error());
> all JOINs needed: 4.45 secs
> $get_news = mysql_query(" SELECT n.`id`, n.`published`, n.`title`,
> n.`url`, n.`body`, n.`commentable`,
> COUNT(f.`id`) AS 'fullbody',
> COUNT(c.`id`) AS 'no_of_comments',
> u.`screenname`, u.`email`
> FROM `ne_topics` n
> LEFT JOIN `ne_fulltopic` f
> ON (f.`id` = n.`id`)
> LEFT JOIN `ne_comments` c
> ON (c.`topic_id` = n.`id`)
> LEFT JOIN `gl_users` u
> ON (u.`id` = n.`author_id`)
> WHERE n.`visible` = 1
> AND n.`published` <= NOW()
> GROUP BY n.`id`, u.`screenname`
> ORDER BY n.`sticky` DESC, n.`published` DESC
> LIMIT 12"
> COUNT(f.`id`) AS 'fullbody' is to determine wheter or not a "read more"
> link should appear.
> Why oh why is this sooo slow? I really hope someone can help, since i'm
> trying things for weeks now but just cannot figure it out ... :(
> Frizzle.

First of all, did you run EXPLAIN on your queries?

Also, is it even a MySQL problem? How's your hardware, for instance?
And what else is using system resources?

A lot of things can affect performance. Before you can improve the
performance you have to identify why it's running slow.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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