Posted by Greg D. Moore \(Strider\) on 10/01/34 11:42
"Ryan" <ryanofford@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I'm devlving into 2005 and specifically mirroring.
> Having read the following article (
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/dbmirror.mspx ),
> is mirroring a sensible option as it indicates that it should not be
> used in a production environment, yet the SQL2005 seminars I've been to
> indicate that this is a worthy option.
It's worth playing with.
BUT, it's beta. Which means if you use it in a production evironment and
something goes wrong, the amount of support that MS will provide is limited.
> Do we also need a witness server, or can this be done (sensibly) with
> two SQL2005 servers ?
Generally you should have a witness.
> Currently we have 2xSQL2000 (clustered) servers and a SAN for the data.
> If we go down the route of mirroring, it looks like we can get rid of
> the SAN and Cluster and use the mirroring instead.
> Any advice on the pro's / cons would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Ryan
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